Shopping Jesús Huarte

Argentina: local talent

Argentine industry is experiencing a kind of golden age. Young creators have reacted to the market’s new demands by adding experiences to their products and broadening the stories behind those producing them.

Fly to Buenos Aires from 51,000 Avios (return trip)

  1. 1 Under the skin

    It was just five years ago that Guillermo Sukiassian and Santiago Lopes – two industrial designer friends, now 30 years old – decided to create their own brand: Facha, which, in Argentina, refers top dressing well and in style. Their accessories – made without seams, from leather they themselves select and then tan with plant-based dyes, are already sold in specialised boutiques and in iconic places such as the MALBA (the Buenos Aires Museum of Latin American Art) concept store. In addition, they have just launched their online shop and they ship worldwide.

    Only five years ago Guillermo Sukiassian and Santiago Lopes created Facha, Buenos Aires
  2. 2 Like being at home

    The universe of fashion photographer Miguel Esmoris grew naturally, based on design, a decade ago when he created Enseres Bazar. The shop, complemented by a selection of props for cinema and advertising, is committed to increasing appreciation for items “from other times”, including an extraordinary collection of crockery from various Argentine provinces, some of which are limited editions and of artistic value.

    The universe of fashion photographer Miguel Esmoris grew naturally, based on design, a decade ago when he created Enseres Baza
    Sawoh wooden plate on a single hand-woven palm threads
  3. 3 The value of the origin

    Martín Bustamente left advertising and opened Facón three years ago. Now, he travels all over the country, loading his van with items that catch his eye with the aim of providing global visibility to those producing them – “90% of my clientele is foreign,” he explains. Facón sells from Jujuy masks to handicrafts from Mapuche communities, wines from independent wineries in Catamarca and Tucumán, and even has a dining and local cuisine club.

    Martín Bustamente left the publicity and opened Facón three years ago in Buenos Aires, Argentina
  4. 4 More than words

    The Ampersand publishing house was created in 2012 with the aim of producing books about books. “At a difficult time for the industry, we chose to reach out to booksellers and readers,” explains Diego Erlan, editor and editorial coordinator. However, besides publishing its own collections, Ampersand opened a consultation library specialised in editing and publishing. Anyone can enjoy it (booking is required).

    The publisher Ampersand, Buenos Aires, publishes its own collections