Gemma Juncá presents Talento a bordo
The director of Brand and Marketing for Iberia presents the Talento a Bordo project, which stems from the company’s mission to give visibility and voice to Spanish, Latin American and international talent.
Through Talento a Bordo, we at Iberia support and disseminate initiatives that focus on talent in all kinds
of areas, from culture (fashion, film, theatre, literature,
art, painting, sculpture, music, design and more) to
sport (football, basketball and handball, among others)
and gastronomy. The project is a clear example of our
brand mission to connect people and cultures and enable talent to fly worldwide so it can be heard and seen.
We channel this support through sponsorships, patronage and other formulas for collaborating with representatives
of Spanish, Latin American and global talent. We offer
travel and support to singers, composers, athletes, designers, musicians and institutions such as museums. We do this through our own brand activity as well as on all of the communication channels where we have a presence due to
our activity as an airline. In the coming months, we will
also do this through our own digital platform.
It’s in our DNA to support ambassadors for Spanish arts
and talent in any field or discipline, including well-known and respected people such as the basketball star Pau Gasol and the designer Teresa Helbig.
Image by Alberto Saguar